What To Do To Get Followers Growth On Instagram

Instagram is not just a social media outlet for making new friends; it is a platform where you can showcase your talent, boost sales for your business and build a stronger community for your brand. Without followers, however, there's little or nothing you can achieve with Instagram. If you are having a hard time growing your follower base, you need to try these tips that can increase brand awareness, boost engagement and help you get real followers.

  • 1. Like the Photos Of Other People in Your Niche. What you give sometimes is what you get. If you like photos of other people, they too will want to return the favor by liking your photos. But in this case, you need to focus your effort on those in your niche. You can also drop a genuine comment and follow them. Liking and commenting on the photos of others allows other Instagram users to notice you and some of them may be moved to check you out.
  • 2. Find Out What Your Audience Like and Post More of It. It is almost impossible for all your post to get the same amount of likes and comments. Go back to your photos and see those that got the most response. Try to post more of that kind of photos in order to boost engagement. It helps to use analytics to analyze results, monitor conversions and find new content.
  • 3. Respond to Comments. If you put up a post and people leave comments, respond to their comments. Don't ignore them or act like their comments are irrelevant. If they ask questions, give an answer as quickly as you can. Being interactive helps your followers to build a relationship with your brand. When your followers know that they will get a response from you, they will be moved to comment on most of your posts. The more people comment and like your post, the more visible your brand becomes.
  • 4. Pay Attention to Your Photos. Most Instagram users have an expectation when they visit your page for the first time. It is left for you to blow their minds away with your content, making them want more. The photos on your page can either arouse the interest of your visitors and get them to become your followers or turn them off. When you create the right theme for your photos, try to stick to it.
  • 5. Create a Hashtag and Invite Others to Use it . It is important that you create a unique hashtag that is relevant to your brand. Do not use hashtags that everyone else is already using. Create something new and funky and encourage others to use it. When your followers use your hashtag, repost their photos on your page and give them proper credit. Hashtags can help you to build a strong community of followers, increase brand visibility and provides new content for your account.
  • 6. Geotag Your Photos. If you visit another city, or go anywhere cool within the city you stay, geotag it. This simply means tagging your photos with a location. Geotagging allows your photos to be seen by other people who used the same geotag. They may end up following you if they like what they see.
  • 7. Take Advantage of Instagram Stories. Many Instagram users love watching stories, and if you make yours interesting, they will come back for more. Take time to plan your video content. If it is boring, they will leave your page and may never come back. So get creative and show them things that you know will thrill them. Use music, filters, and Boomerangs to make your videos more exciting and captivating.
  • 8. Link Your Instagram Account to Your Other Social Media Accounts. If you have a presence on all the popular social media platforms, link your Instagram account to all of them. This way your followers on other platforms who are also on Instagram can follow you there. This will help to increase your follower base.
  • 9. Don't Forget Your Call to Action . If you don't ask Instagram users to do what you want them to do, they will view your post and move on. You need to be specific about the action you want them to take. Do you want them to like your photo, share it or tag a friend? State it clearly. A Call To Action helps to boost engagement.

You will, however, need to be patient. You will experience growth once you are committed to doing everything possible to grow your follower base.